Camtasia, a TechSmith product, is a screen recording and video making solution designed to create, edit, and share videos. It’s a user-friendly tool that can help users create content for product demos, tutorials, slideshows and more. The platform comes equipped with various assets such as music and sound effects, callouts, and other helpful templates to produce quality videos without much hassle. Camtasia is compatible with Mac and Windows devices.
If you’ve ever used Camtasia to produce larger projects, you may notice that Camtasia’s performance has the tendency to lag or slowdown, which can lead to a frustrating user experience.
Why do large Camtasia projects lag?
Larger projects typically contain more edits. Because Camtasia is programmed to record every edit within the file, so the more changes you make, the more it has to comb through.
How to fix the issue?
Coined by some video editors as “divide and conquer,” the process involves working with the project in sections. The process includes taking chunks of the project, save them to an MP4 file and then reimport the material into the file.
Before you anything, make a backup!
In the timeline, select the first 25% (in our instance it was the first 5 minutes of a 20-minute project). With the first 5 minutes highlighted, right click, then select Produce Timeline Selection As. This will bring up the production wizard. From there, choose MP4 only, create a name and save it in a new folder. Click Finish.
Delete the selection from the timeline. Then import the MP4 back into the project and it should fit precisely in the area you previously cut. Rinse and repeat depending on how large your project is.